As any other Jewish community, Bet Shalom life centres upon the festivals, celebrations and commemorations of the Jewish calendar: Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, Sukkot, Simjah Torah, Hanukkah, Tu Bishvat, Purim, Passover, Yom Ha Shoah, Yom Ha Zicaron, Yom Hastsmaut, Shavuot and Tisha BeAv.
Our religious services are egalitarian, the members of the community take part actively and they are conducted according to the reform movement standards.
Children are very important to us, and we organize family activities during the celebrations and we have a specific educational program addressed to them.
Throughout the year you will find information in our webpage concerning festivals, activities and their timelines.
We know that throughout the year Barcelona receives dozens of visitors that come to enjoy our city. Bet Shalom is delighted to accept those who wish to share with us the festivals of the Jewish year. If you are planning to visit Barcelona and you would like to come to meet us, please send an email here.
If you are planning to visit us during the High Holy Days or Passover, you must fill the form that you will find with the information related to that festival. Afterwards, we will contact you to confirm the reservation.