Shorashim, “roots”, is an eighteen month study program addressed to those who wish to live and to assimilate into the Jewish people. Nowadays the Jewish identity is a matter of choice, to those born as Jews as well as to those who wish to join our people.
Shorashim, although paying attention to diversity, focus on a progressive Jewish perspective. It is designed to better connect to Jewish identity at a personal level, acquiring and understanding Jewish vocabulary, and making sure that everyone immerses themselves in assimilation through the Jewish study and practice. Our aim is that the students develop their own intellectuality and a culture shared with the Jewish people.
Shorashim is organized in different units according to the general topics of our tradition: history, texts, concepts of God, Jewish identity, the cycle of life, calendar and other subjects such as ethics and personal responsibility, tikkun olam, liturgy and culture, among others.
The Shorashim in-person course is conducted by a moreh in Barcelona, but you can also attend online thanks to the new technologies.
The methodologies used are varied: talks, conferences, lectures, etc. We always try to promote debate and discussion as pedagogical tools and Talmudic model.
From the study to the practice, Shorashim returns to the roots to evolve from otherness to belonging, taking over the historic, ethical and spiritual legacy of the Jewish people, as Ruth expressed admirably:
“for where you go, I will go, and where you lodge, I will lodge. Your people shall be my people, and your God, my God.” (Meguilat Rut)